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Student Research Guide WQ24/ AI Impacts on Amazon

Student Research Guide for Library 201/ Gracie Musga

Major Findings From This Research

  • Amazon uses AI in every aspect of their company: customer service, on, in the warehouse, deliveries, hiring services, etc. 
  • AI helps make customer service, deliveries, and using the website much easier for customers
  • AI also risks the Amazon users privacy
  • Amazon's excessive use of AI decreases the amount of job opportunities with in the company
  • AI has been the reason for Amazon workers to be laid off

Research Advice and Reflection

Advice for future researchers:

In my research, I found that the use of scholarly articles/journals was most useful. The reason they are more helpful is because I feel that they were less biased compared to other articles I found. I also think it’s important to make sure to do a lot of background research before trying to answer your research questions because it allows for a good foundation. 

Reflection on research experience:

I had a positive experience with this research topic. There is a lot of information out there regarding artificial intelligence  in general, which is very helpful. I did have trouble when it came to researching for AI effects job opportunities, I do think some of these articles were biased and it was a little challenging to find articles specifically about the company Amazon. The most interesting part of this research was learning exactly how Amazon uses AI within their company, more specifically in the warehouse. When I first started researching I was really interested in the topic, but the more I read the more repetitive it got, which slightly made me lose interest. 

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