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Student Research Guide WQ24/ Influences of TikTok

Student Research Guide for Library 201/ Jerzay Leonard

Major Findings From This Research

The major takeaways from this guide:

1. We cannot allow the way social media behaves, dictate the way we behave. For example, just because everyone else is doing something, doesn't mean we need to do it as well.

2. Social media shouldn't have such a huge influence on the way we perceive things such as, ourselves, others, society and the world.

3. Mental health really takes a toll when it comes to social media due to all of the ways someones brain may be thinking.



Research Advice and Reflection


Advice for future researchers:

In my research I found lots of different articles that had certain points of views of TikTok. Many agreed with the way TikTok behaved and the other half disagreed. During the research of a guide, you want to be sure you are choosing articles or sources that aren't biased and continue to stay neutral. The reason for this is that because you don't want a biased article where only one side of the story is told to the audience. Some other advice for those who may be interested in this topic is to make sure you are going in with an open-mindset. At times in a research, it will be hard to stay neutral due to our own feelings and emotions, but we must remember that in order to give out the most accurate information it needs to stay neutral. Overall, this is a great TikTok to do research about due to the different aspects that truly go through it. 


Reflection on research experience:

Overall, this research went very well in my opinion. I was able to find out things about social media and TikTok specifically that I never knew before. I enjoyed the different articles I went through and got to learn about the different aspects we as a society go through because of social media. In this research I mainly got hung up trying to find other issues that corresponded with the type of issues I was listing. I didn't want to seem like I was getting very off track but also wanted to add in different issues that TikTok or social media gives us. The most interesting part was seeing all of the different ways we behave once we see something that doesn't sit right with us individually, on social media specifically. I thought it was interesting how we as a society respond to issues that come out for instance, on TikTok and the way we perceive it. My interest in this topic became honestly a bit more stronger because I really wanted to figure out the way TikTok affects us all individually and how TikTok affects society at the end of the day. Overall, I really enjoyed his topic and guide due to being able to have the freedom of researching something that is more up to date. The affects from TikTok to society and ourselves are constantly being changed in ways we can't even think of.






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