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Student Research Guide WQ24/ Influences of TikTok

Student Research Guide for Library 201/ Jerzay Leonard

Top 10 Resources

This source is about how Teenagers' minds are affected through TikTok. Although social media is a very popular app, this article specifically goes into the mental take of how the minds respond as well to the way TikTok creates videos for us. This article is perfect for this guide because it dives more into the way our minds feel and react to something that can be negative.

This source is about how users are concerned towards the way TikTok “protects” their privacy. In moments users of this app feel as if the social media platform cannot be trusted and have no clue where their information goes.

  • Harriger, J. A., Thompson, J. K., & Tiggemann, M. (2023). TikTok, TikTok, the time is now: Future directions in social media and body image. Body Image, 44, 222–226.  

This article is written by Jennifer A. Harriger, J.Kevin Thompson, and Marika Tiggemann. This article is about the way TikTok affects the way society views each other. This talks about how we perceive self-image as well due to the way social media acts in our lives. In this article, it focuses on the way we tend to feel about ourselves after using social media.

  • Ibn Auf Anas Ibn,Auf Abbas, et al. "Social Comparison and Body Image in Teenage Users of the TikTok App." Cureus, vol. 15, no. 11, 2023. ProQuest,, doi:

This article is about the way Teenagers feel about themselves due to social media. Teenagers in this article almost feel the need to constantly compare themselves to others on social media like, influencers or models. This helps my guide because instead of a mental take, we also take a physical aspect of the way our brain reacts to topics such as this.

  • MuteSix, et al. “Why Is TikTok so Popular? 10 Reasons for Its Success.” Mutesix, 20 Jan. 2023,,go%20viral%20when%20done%20right. 

 This article is mainly about the general information about TikTok. Although most of the information is very general and already known, this helps my guide due to highlighting important topics such as “Why did TikTok get so popular in the first place?”.

This article is written by Cal Newport. This article talks about how TikTok affected bigger social media platforms and the downfall of them. Due to TikTok rising, other social media platforms ended not being able to keep up. With TikTok in the social media industry, many other apps find themselves struggling to stay up to date.

  • Nienstedt, C., Smith, N., Braithwaite, H., Gilbert, B., & Wright, R. R. (2023). Swiping Away Your Well-Being? Examining Well-Being Indicators Among TikTok Account Holders. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research,28(2), 96–106. 

Again this article talks about how users swipe away their feelings and their emotions. This article talks mainly about mental health when it comes to social media and what we can do to help our minds feel better about this type of topic.

This article is about how TikTok influences our brains. In this specific article, it dives into the mental aspect of social media and how sometimes it forces social interaction to be lost. With social interaction lost, users feel disassociated and feel very isolated from others and their own emotions.

  • Randinetti, J., & Bruinsma, J. (2023). The Affective Algorithms of Conspiracy TikTok. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 67(3), 274–293.

This source is mainly about the algorithm that TikTok follows. In order to stay successful, TikTok uses a constant strategy where they continue to bring up videos that users have been interested in before, or to things similar to it. This relates to my guide because it helps describe the ways TikTok can continue being as successful as it is.

  • Tang, Lian, et al. “Influence of Tiktok Usage toward Positive Emotion and Relationship.” European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, European Publisher, 6 Oct. 2021, 

The article was written by Lian Tiang, Siti Zobidah Omar, Jusang Bolong, and Julia Wirza Mohd Zawawi. All authors contributed into this article published from European Proceedings. This article is about the impact on peoples relationships due to TikTok, like the emotions that go through our head (happiness, depression, etc.). This site tells us about the indulgence we in take from social media, especially through TikTok. (This is one of my top sites!)




Top 5-10 Recommended Keywords/Search Terms on the Topic

  1. Self-Esteem
  2. Society
  3. Mental health
  4. Influential
  5. Self-Image
  6. Effect
  7. Respect
  8. Confidence
  9. Privacy


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