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Dental Therapy Guide

Resources for Dental Therapy students.

dental professional examining patient Dental Therapy Resources 

The purpose of this Research Guide is to share library and other resources of use to students in the SVC Dental Therapy Program. Please contact us if there are resources you would like us to add.


Top Databases for Dental Therapy

Ebsco Dentistry & Oral Science Source Logo

Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source

Dentistry & Oral Science Source covers all facets relating to the areas of dentistry. Log in off-campus with full SVC email address and password.

Credo Reference Logo

Credo Reference Database

Credo Reference Database. Online encyclopedia source, including Encyclopedia of the United States in the 19th Century. Good source for images and graphics. Log in from home using MYSVC login & password.

Pubmed Logo


From the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, National Library of Medicine. Comprised of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Login not required.



Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health. Log in with full SVC email address and password.

Facts on File: Issues and Controversies

In-depth investigations of today's top issues, featuring pro/con arguments. Log in with full SVC email address and password.

All Content CC-BY.