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Student Research Guide WQ24/ TikTok's Impact on the Brain

Student Research Guide for Library 201/ Shelby Smith

Major Findings From This Research


  • TikTok negatively impacts teenagers brains with a change in their attention span and it  increases mental health issues like anxiety and depression.
  • TikTok has become addicting to teenagers.
  • So many teenagers have a shortned attention span due to the short videos on TikTok
  • TikTok has about 80 million monthly users.

Research Advice and Reflection


In my research I favored google scholar and SVC databases Academic Search Complete and Procon. I also found a few articles that were biased but also articles that had a lot of facts coming from scientists and actual teen perspectives.

The research for this topic went really well. There were a ton of different journals and articles about the negative effects of TikTok on teenagers brains. I got hung up on some websites or databases that didn't give me much information at all relating to the subject. The best part about this research experience was looking through the articles and learning more and more about TikTok and what it is doing to teenagers brain and mental health. My interest in the topic changed for the better. I am now so much more aware of how bad TikTok can be for teens health. After learning these impacts I'm gonna start limiting my own TikTok usage. 


Additional Important Items

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